This week we reviewed the letters "A" and "B". I did not introduce any new letters or material this week, but took time to go over some of the fun letter "A" and "B" activities we have done over the past couple of weeks. We did have the opportunity to have a "Tot School" day with a couple of other mom's who are Tot Schooling, too! It was a lot of fun, and I am looking forward to our regular get togethers with the kiddos :-)
Our theme for our Tot Day was the letter "B" and "Bugs". Jenn did a GREAT job lining up activities for us to do.

All the kiddos. A mess, but having a ball :-)

Making hand print spiders to go along with the "bug" theme
Loved this project! Contact paper collages with torn paper. We then cut the final master piece into a letter "B" to go along with our theme of the day.
Our lunch went along the bug and "B" theme as well,
hotdog butterflies. I got the idea from
this blog, which has tons of super fun food ideas.
For dessert Jenn made "dirt pies" with hidden gummy worms and bugs for the kids to find. You can tell Liam didn't like this one bit :-)

This was a new Tot Tray activity we did this week. I found these little containers at Joann's for .99 cents. I love that they have clear tops! I have colored pom poms down in them and I had Liam open the containers and take out the pom poms and put them in the ice cube tray. He is all about taking lids on and off of things ALL THE TIME, so this was a hit!
Next week we are moving on the letter "C"!
Be sure to check out all the other Tot Schoolers
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