Liam is 19.5 months old
So, this week I just wanted to share a little project I made for Liam to help with our alphabet learning. His own personalized ABC book! This was such a fun and easy project, and Liam LOVES it! First, I just went through all of my pictures and choose one for each letter of the alphabet. I was amazed that I had one for every letter except for x and z already on my computer! I just saved them all in a folder on my desktop and renamed each picture by the coordinating letter to make it easier for me to see which ones I had, and which ones I still needed. After I had chosen all the pictures I uploaded them to Picnik to add my Letters to them. If you haven't tried this program, it is AWESOME, and FREE!! Then, I just sent them on to Wal-mart's 1-hour photo and picked them up later that day! I put them in a little photo album, and Wha-La, Liam's very own personal ABC picture Book! LOVE IT!!
Here are a few of my favorites from the book
I have made a "family" book like this for him as well that has pictures of everyone in our family including all of his grandparents, aunts, uncles, and pets :-). Another one of his favorites!